
For each item please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements by selecting appropriate option.

Very Good Good Average Poor

1. The present curriculum helps to develop national and scientific attitude in your child. *

 Thoroughly   Satisfactorily    Poorly   Indifferently  

2. To what extend does the present curriculum moulds the student into a competent individual. *

  Significantly    Moderately   Partially   Not at all 

3. Do you think the present curriculum develops human resource properly? *

 Strongly agree   Agree   Neutral   Disagree 

4. The current curriculum helps your child to be a familiar with modern technology. *

 Every time   Usually   occasionally   Rarely 

5. The current curriculum inculcates moral values in your child. *

 Considerably   Reasonably   Partially   Slightly 

6. Current syllabus helps for overall development of your child. *

 To great extent    Satisfactory    To some extent   not at all 

7. The present syllabus motivates your child for preparation of competitive exams (NET /SET /MPSE /UPSE etc.) *

 Fully   Moderately   Partially   Slightly 

8. The present curriculum helps your child towards achieving excellence. *

 To great extent   Satisfactorily   Poorly   Indifferently 

9. The present curriculum helps your child to develop rational thinking. *

 Thoroughly   Adequate   Partially   Not at all  

10. The present syllabus offers internship/project/placement. *

 Regularly   Often   Partially   Never