Student Feedback

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For each item please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements by selecting appropriate option.

Very Good Good Average Poor

1. Your view regarding academic or semester content. *

 Adequate   Satisfactory    Inadequate   Very Vast  

2. The Learned Syllabus is *

  Challenging    Adequate   Inadequate   In appropriate 

3. The Present coverage of advanced or modern topics in syllabus. *

 Fully   Moderately   Partially   Slightly 

4. The course objectives are clearly mentioned and relevant for overall development of the student. *

 Significantly   Very well   Marginally   Not at all  

5. The year-wise sequence of the subject that you have studied. *

 Excellent   Very Good    Good   Average 

6. The soft skill content in the present syllabus. *

 100%    85%    50%   Below 25% 

7. The syllabus inculcates the desirable moral values and professional ethics. *

 Thoroughly   Moderately   Satisfactorily   Poorly 

8. Rate the availability of the present study material or books for syllabus. *

 More than Sufficient   Sufficient   Inadequate   Not available 

9. To what extent does the syllabus enrich you towards becoming a competent Individual *

 75 to 100%    55 to 74%    30 to 54%   Below 30%